Friday, May 16, 2008

Fat may not reduce

You may be sweating for hours in a gym or doing jogging or on a slimming diet , but fat in the body is not affected at all . In this case do not attribute to the short comings of these practices . But know about result of recent research . It says that in the old age the fat cells remain constant during the life time . But how ever body weight can become less or more . It happens because of the change in size of these cells . These cells are also called epidosites . These cells are made of the accumulated fat in the body . Study has also pointed out that the process of increase of body weight is different in adults and in the children . The research scientist Kristy Spalding of Caroliniska institute at Stockholm says that in children , body weight increases because of increase in the number of fat cells . It is difficult to reduce the body weight after it increases in the childhood . In the study the fat cell composition of 687 persons was examined . In the study age , sex and body mass index ( body weight proportional to height - BMI ) was kept in mind while conducting the study . It was found that the number of fat cells on an average increases up to the age of 20 years and there after remain constant .

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