Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Temper control : Strategies

. Practice relaxation exercises and breathing techniques to calm body and mind .
. Learn to resolve conflicts through effective communication with out out bursts .
. Use problem solving technique such as goal setting and time management to reduce stress level .
. Eating well and at regular interval help to keep energy level in check .
. Get at least 6 - 8 hours sleep , so that you do ' nt feel irritated .
. Take break when you are tired . This will help you rejuvenate .
. Keep your self upbeat by indulging in a hobby .
. Compartmentalize your work and personnel life .
. Nurture your support system , like family and friends .
. Regular exercise help to keep the mind and body fresh .
Seek counselling for inter personnel conflicts .
. Be assertive instead of agressive .

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